Policies Heading link

The Electron Microscopy Core (EMC) is a pay per use service that provides access to state-of-the-art instrumentation. All instrumentation except Ultramicrotome in EMC have a minimum 1-hour charge, subsequent use is charged in 30-minute increments. Minimum Staff charge is 30 min with 30 min increment. Ultramicrotome has a minimum 30 min usage. Users must be registered with the iLab before any work can be carried out.

Policy on Equipment Heading link

Policy on Training Heading link

New Users who have no prior electron microscopy experience must take the full training course for the instrument type they need to use (SEM 3-4 hrs, TEM – 8-10 hours at a flat rate). New Users who have significant experience from elsewhere can ask for conversion training, which typically will take a minimum of three hours at the assisted use rate. For all other instruments you will be charged the assisted rate for training.  All new Users will be given copies of the EMC User documentation for the instrument they are being trained on. Users are expected to read the documentation and retain it for future reference. Basic Training needs to be completed in one month, beginning from the start date. If you do not complete the training in one month, or if you need further training above the 10 hours, these sessions will be charged at the assisted rate.

Sign-up Policies Heading link

Acknowledgement of Use of EMC Heading link

General usage of EMC instruments:

“This work made use of instruments in the Electron Microscopy Core of UIC’s Research Resources Center.”

If the JEOL ARM200F was used, please add this acknowledgement as well:

“Acquisition and upgrade of the UIC JEOL JEM ARM200CF was supported by an MRI-R grant (DMR-0959470) and an MRI grant (DMR-1626065) from NSF”.

If the Thermo Fisher Scientific Helios 5CX FIB was used, please add this acknowledgment:

“This work made use of the ThermoFisher Helios 5CX (cryo)FIB-SEM instrument in the Electron Microscopy Core of UIC’s Research Resources Center, which received support from UIC, Northwestern University and ARO (W911NF2110052).”

Publication data is one way of measuring the performance of the EMC. If you publish any data acquired on EMC instruments please notify Fengyuan Shi (fyshi@uic.edu) so that I can add it to our publications list.

Pricing info

Time Reporting Policy Heading link

Policy on EMC computers Heading link